Quotations Theological Reflections

Undervaluing Christ’s Priesthood.

Alfred Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Book 2, Chapter 5, p. 118

In the absence of felt need of deliverance from sin, we can understand, how Rabbinic tradition found no place for the priestly office of the Messiah, and how even His claims to be the Prophet of His people are almost entirely overshadowed by His appearance as their King and Deliverer. This, indeed, was the ever-present want, pressing the more heavily as Israel’s national sufferings seemed almost inexplicable, while they contrasted so sharply with the glory expected by the Rabbis. Whence these sufferings? From sin (Men. 53b)�national sin; the idolatry of former times (Gitt. 7a); the prevalence of crimes and vices; the dereliction of God’s ordinances (Gitt. 88a); the neglect of instruction, of study, and of proper practice of His Law; and, in later days, the love of money and party strife. But the seventy years’ captivity had ceased, why not the present dispersion? Because hypocrisy had been added to all other sins (Yoma 9b); because there had not been proper repentance (Jer. Yoma 1.1); because of the half-heartedness of the Jewish proselytes; because of improper marriages, and other evil customs (Nidd. 13b); and because of the gross dissoluteness of certain cities (Yoma 19b).

This sounds oddly familiar.

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